These little beauties are teeny tiny and packed with stunning colour variation!

 Care Specks:

Bright to medium light is recommended 

As terrarium plants, these plants prefer to be kept constantly damp but not water logged.

Give them well draining soil - adding about 20% to 30% perlite into your standard premium potting mix will do the trick.

The best temperature range for these plants is between 20°C -35°C like other house plants


As clumping plants these can be easily propagated but simply gently separating the clumps. Be sure the be careful as they are delicate and very small!


These plants like many others love humidity and will thrive very well with good levels, however will cope well regular spritzing to create own humidity. 

These plants are no toxic

(You will receive a bare rooted plant similar to the one seen in the images.)

Each living plant is unique and may vary slightly in size, colour or shape.


Fittonia ‘White Anne’

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